Did you buy a computer with an internal or external disk drive between 2003-2008? If YES, you are owed money from a $180 Million class action settlement.
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The ODD Class Action Settlement is a result of Defendants allegedly conspiring to fix and manipulate prices of Optical Disk Drives. MCAG can help you file a claim and keep you up-to-date on all news r
Checks to approved claims were issued on December 17, 2019. All checks which have not been negotiated or reissued by September 1, 2020 will be subject to redistribution. If you filed a claim and have not received a payment, or have lost your
floppy disk drive. USB drives for 5¼-inch, 8-inch, and non-standard floppy disks are rare to non-existent. Some individuals and organizations continue to use older equipment to read or transfer data from floppy disks.
External optical drives have the same advantages as internal optical drives in that they offer improved speed and reliability. They can also offer more power and higher storage capacities without investing in a brand new drive. Some external