160by2.com offers free sms across India. User can send groups SMS, schedule their SMS for future delivery. Users also earn Funbucks for completing certain activities. Funbucks can be used for claiming
160by2.com offers free sms across India. User can send groups SMS, schedule their SMS for future delivery. Users also earn Funbucks for completing certain activities. Funbucks can be used for claiming
'160by2' was based on the concept that users can send free SMS of upto 80 characters while the remaining 80 would be utilised by advertisers, with both sides getting to use half of the screen.
160by2 a useful setrvice to sed free SMS to India. Feel free to use this image but give credit to <a href="http://www.ShoutMeLoud.com" rel="noreferrer nofollow">www.ShoutMeLoud.com</a>
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While the advent of technology has immensely affected how we communicate, it is incredible to see how SMS/text messages have managed to stay relevant amid the shifting demographics Most people prefer
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