Smart Cookies is currently unavailable. We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience this is causing our users. We anticipate the system will be offline until approximately 05:00 AM EST. Please try again after that time.
Our Smart Cookies platform allows girls, councils, and volunteers to seamlessly manage every aspect of the cookie business from a smartphone, tablet, or computer. Sign in daily to monitor progress, connect with the community, and find helpful
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Smart Cookies, the Girl Scout Cookie Program you know and love is now
better than ever— giving you and your cookie customers more ways to
participate. Now there’s more ways to sell, more ways to buy and more
, the
Girl Scout Cookie Program you know and love is now better than
ever—giving you and your cookie customers more ways to participate.
Now there’s more ways to sell, more ways to buy, and more ways to
learn and have a ton of fun!