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(D2L) is DePaul's learning management system. Using D2L, instructors can give students online access to course syllabi, assignments, readings, electronic drop boxes, online quizzes, discussion boards, grades, and more. To log in, navigate t
Oracle PeopleSoft Sign-in Students: DePaul uses your contact information to communicate with you, please review and update your Personal Contact Information and Emergency Contact Campus Connect Login Please enter your Compus Connect User ID
On most computers, you can use a keyboard shortcut to clear your
browser cache. On a Windows computer press "control" + "shift" +
"delete." On a Mac, press "command" + "shift" + "delete." If that does
not work, try the instructions
No, the D2L course instructor is not copied on the emails triggered by Intelligent Agents by default. Instructors can receive copies of the emails triggered by D2L Intelligent Agents by including their email address in the Cc or Bcc fields during
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