Summer Rising is New York City’s free school-based summer program for any City child in grades K–8. Students will address unfinished learning while being provided avenues for recreation, exploration, and fun.
allows users to search for DYCD-funded providers by program type, borough, neighborhood or zip code, and provides contact information, lists of activities offered, and a mapping feature with navigation. Categories of services include COMPASS
Connect to DYCD for access to the tools, services, and information needed to streamline community based operations. The Discover DYCD tool is used to share location based information about organizations, oppourtunities, and services that are
Connect to DYCD for access to the tools, services, and information needed to streamline community based operations. If you are having problems, or need additional help, then please contact Helpdesk at:
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The DYCD Film Festival is the coolest student film event in New York City. Open to students in grades 6-12, we are now accepting submissions for the 2021 exp...