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Gateway Community Charters and Empowering Possibilities International Charter School prohibits, at any school or school activity, discrimination, harassment, including sexual harassment, intimidation, and bullying, based on actual or perceived
Clever | Log in Epic Charter School Not your district? Log in with Google Log in with Clever Badges Having trouble? Https://epiccharterschools.freshdesk.com/support/tickets/new get help logging in Clever Badge log in District admin log in District
Seashore Academy is a hybrid homeschooling program. We partner with charter schools such as National University Academy (NUA) and Epic Charter School, our academy is then assigned funds by the charter schools of your choice. (Please refer to
Four teachers had sued the #oklaed virtual school, alleging they were pressured to withdraw poor-performing students. Epic denied the allegations but settled with three ex-teachers, who signed NDAs.