All real estate licensees are not the same. Only real estate licensees who are members of the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS® are properly called REALTORS®. They proudly display the REALTOR "®" logo on the business card or other marketing
Our full website is temporarily unavailable. This situation shouldn't last long. In the meantime, many features such as MLS login and information about our services are available on this page. Thank you for visiting our site, and please check
of the National Association of REALTORS® is a document which is universally recognized by lawyers and laymen as the measure of professionalism in the real estate industry. It does not describe the lowest common denominator of permissible behavior
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Greater Northwest Indiana Association of REALTORS Staff Directory - Greater Northwest Indiana Association of REALTORS Close Toggle navigation Menu Staff Directory GNIAR Staff Peter Novak Chief Executive Officer Phone: 219.795.3600 Ext.109 Valerie