4) The rep can look up your loan number by your name after confirming your identity. Make sure to also ask for the amount of the first payment you made, because when you try to set up your online account it will ask you the amount of your first
I recently purchased a new iPhone. I keep seeing emails saying that Citizen One was unable to process my payment. I see a number that I can call to make a payment, but I want to be able to manage my loan details online. I filled out the form
. You will be required to apply for and enter into a 24-month 0% APR installment loan (“Installment Loan”) for the full retail price of the eligible iPhone (“Financed iPhone”) and your choice of AppleCare+ for iPhone or AppleCare+ with Theft
Either they gave you a receipt at the Apple Store, or emailed you one, or if you purchased online you can login to your Apple Store account (click the shopping bag on the far right of the Apple.com toolbar and click sign in) and you can view
We're ready to be there for you. We understand the tremendous amount of financial and personal stress the COVID-19 crisis has caused. If you need relief or have any concerns or questions about your financial situation, please contact us. In