Early Quality System’s flagship product, iPinwheel, was built to support the RTT ELC Tiered Quality Rating and Improvement System at the county, regional, and state levels. The RTT ELC efforts have shaped iPinwheel since its inception in 2012
2. Asistir a una sesión de Conocer y Saludar (Meet & Greet). Una vez que complete su solicitud, le enviaremos por correo electrónico información sobre las fechas de Conocer y Saludar también se publicarán en
Over several years, Santa Clara County has been developing its approach to improving the quality of early childhood education in the county, based on the California’s Quality Rating and Improvement System (QRIS). Santa Clara County has established
Available to Early Learning Professionals (teachers, aides, instructional assistants, and family child care providers) who work directly with children in an early learning setting that accepts some form of CA early learning subsidy either through
Champaign County Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) is a not-for-profit organization which recruits, trains, and monitors volunteers who advocate for the best interests of abused and neglected children.