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L2P You'll be logged out of L2P in a couple of minutes. You should save any unsaved work and reload this page to stay logged in. You've been logged out of L2P as a security measure. You'll need to log in again to continue. Discover why Trusts

Appraisals | L2P.UK

Our Coordinator has found the system very helpful in improving the efficiency of the management of appraisals. The dashboard, in particular, enables us to intervene [if issues are arising] in a timely manner.

Home | L2P.UK

Having had experience of using every online appraisal form currently available I have no doubt that the L2P online appraisal forms the most user friendly, functional, and efficient appraisal system currently available.”

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RWTHmoodle löst zum Sommersemester 2019 das bisherige System L²P als hochschulweite Lehr- und Lernplattform der RWTH Aachen ab. Die Lernräume im neuen System werden ab dem 05. März 2019 freigegeben. Die bestehenden L²P-Lernräume bleiben erhalten.

NoSuchFlowExecutionException when trying to login · Issue #118 · RobertKrajewski/Sync-my-L2P · GitHub

When trying to authenticate in L2P for giving the needed API permissions to Sync-my-L2P, I receive the following error message (part of it in German): "Ein Fehler ist aufgetreten: NoSuchFlowExecutionE

Authentication Error · Issue #99 · RobertKrajewski/Sync-my-L2P · GitHub

I am not able to login using sync-my-l2p version 2.2.0 (fc23 build; sync-my-l2p-2.2.0-9.1.x86_64) on my fedora 24. My browser (Firefox 48.0) opens and show the following page https://login.rz.rwth-aac