Case opinion for CA Court of Appeal Mary Restaino et al., Plaintiffs and Appellants, v. MARIO BADESCU SKIN CARE INC. Read the Court's full decision on FindLaw.
Last year, I wrote an article about steroids in skincare that detailed my skin-destroying encounter with prescription steroid cream. Since then, I’ve probably received over a hundred emails and DMs fr
Justice Richard Aldrich of the Los Angeles-based California Court of Appeals disagreed, stating that the law requires notice of a settlement to be given “‘as the court directs,’ thus granting the trial court discretion to fashion notice of a
I was about to follow a skin care person but as I was skimming through their posts I saw a pic of MB Products & the caption was something along the line of “ no matter what I always go back to it, my day one I love it blah blah blah” I stg I