"This attribute controls the frequency span of each
segment (instance) in the docsIf3CmSpectrumAnalysisMeasTable.
If set to a value of 0, then a default span will be chosen based on the hardware capabilities of the device. Segments are contiguous
I've been running fine for a while but in the last 3 months my speed dropped from 120mbit consistently to 50-70mbits at most. Latency is crazy high and I get 5-8% packet drops which makes browsing and gaming miserable. Getting all this from
See real world download speeds for RCN based on over 1.4M speed tests from verified users over the past 12 months. See everything from download speed, to jitter, to latency all in one unbiased place.
Forum discussion: I apologize if this comes across as a rant, but I genuinely need help here, and don't know what to do. I live just west of Boston, and I have RCN's 1000/20 service. It used to be fi