In the past decade, Stockton and the nearby communities of Tracy, Manteca, and Lodi have experienced significant and rapid population increases, largely due to people relocating to the area from the San Francisco Bay Area. The county is projected
Search San Joaquin County Records. Find San Joaquin County arrest, court, criminal, inmate, divorce, phone, address, bankruptcy, sex offender, property, and other public records.
Below is a list of services, documents, and other information available online from this website. These services are intended to help the general public and the legal community take care of Court business as efficiently as possible.
This proceeding stemmed from a minor’s collapse during football try-outs at Lincoln High School in Stockton in 2017. Respondent Shynelle Jones presented a timely claim on behalf of her son, Jayden, to
Quadric Software's Alike DR use and case study library. Alike DR is a comprehensive backup and disaster recovery for Citrix XenServer and Microsoft Hyper-V.
Offers access to trial court records for each of Alabama's 67 count. A subscription has a start up cost of $150 and a monthly fee. Civil Cases (Circuit and District Courts only), Criminal Cases (Circuit and District Courts only), Domestic Relations